Taxation of Benefits
It is important that you as a member understand the different tax implications when benefits are paid.
Disability Benefits
You will be taxed on your disability premium every month, but the disability benefit (should you become disabled) will be paid out tax free.
As from 1 March 2023, the first R27 500 of a cash withdrawal will be tax free with the balance taxed according to the following scale:
Taxable income (R) Rate of tax (R) | Taxable income (R) Rate of tax (R) |
R0 – R27 500 | 0% |
R27 501 – R726 000 | 18% of amount exceeding R27 500 |
R726 001 – R1 089 000 | R125 730 plus 27% of the amount exceeding R726 000 |
R1 089 001 and above | R223 740 plus 36% of the amount exceeding R1 089 000 |
Please note that retrenchment benefits are not taxed as other withdrawal benefits and are taxed the same as retirement benefits.
The tax-free amount applies to the aggregate of all withdrawal lump sums received over the member’s lifetime after 1 March 2009. This means that you cannot get R27 500 from the Fund and R27 500 from the next fund you join. It is very important to note that any withdrawal benefits previously received, as well as amounts paid out in respect of divorces or maintenance orders, after 1 March 2009, will also be deducted from the tax-free amount.Use the Tax Calculator to assist you calculate the tax payable on a lump sum. |
The first R550 000 payable at retirement from a pension, provident or retirement annuity fund is tax free. The balance is taxed according to the following fixed scale below and is applicable from 1 March 2023:
Taxable income (R) Rate of tax (R) | Taxable income (R) Rate of tax (R) |
R0 – R550 000 | 0% of taxable income |
R550 001 – R770 000 | 18% of taxable income above R550 000 |
R770 001 – R1 155 000 | R39 600 plus 27% of the amount exceeding R770 000 |
R1 155 001 and above | R143 550 plus 36% of the amount exceeding R1 155 000 |
This amount applies to the aggregate of all retirement lump sum payments received over the retiree’s lifetime. This means that you cannot get R550 000 from a retirement annuity and R550 000 from the Fund. Your retirement benefits will be added together and the first R550 000 will then be tax free. The balance will be taxed according to the scale above. It is very important to note that any withdrawal benefits previously received, as well as amounts paid out in respect of divorces or maintenance orders, after 1 March 2009, or a severance benefit, after 1 March 2011, will also be deducted from the tax-free amount. |
Use the Tax Calculator to assist you calculate the tax payable on a lump sum. |
The death benefits paid by the Fund are taxed exactly the same as retirement benefits.
The first R550 000 payable at death from a pension, provident or retirement annuity fund is tax free. The balance is taxed according to the following fixed scale below and is applicable from 1 March 2023:
Taxable income (R) Rate of tax (R) | Taxable income (R) Rate of tax (R) |
R0 – R550 000 | 0% of taxable income |
R550 001 – R770 000 | 18% of taxable income above R550 000 |
R770 001 – R1 155 000 | R39 600 plus 27% of the amount exceeding R770 000 |
R1 155 001 and above | R143 550 plus 36% of the amount exceeding R1 155 000 |
This amount applies to the aggregate of all retirement fund lump sums received over the member’s lifetime. This means that the member’s dependants cannot get R550 000 tax free from a retirement annuity and R550 000 from the Fund. The benefits will be added together and the first R550 000 will then be tax free. The balance will be taxed according to the scale above. It is very important to note that any withdrawal benefits previously received by the deceased member, as well as amounts paid out in respect of divorces or maintenance orders, after 1 March 2009, or a severance benefit, after 1 March 2011, will also be deducted from the tax-free amount. |
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Telephone number: 0860 100 333
Registered under the Pension Funds Act 1956 (Reg. No. 12/8/10150/2)