Retirement Benefit

I am still so young! Do I need to think about retirement?

Yes, definitely. The best time to start thinking about saving for your retirement is in your twenties. It takes approximately 35 to 40 years to save for retirement. The journey towards retirement all starts with a carefully crafted plan.

The tools to help you towards retirement

To be able to maintain your standard of living and enjoy life after your retirement date, you have to start planning as early as possible.

Use the Projection Calculator to see if you are on track.
The calculations are based on assumptions about the future.
The tool also suggests what steps you need to take in order to meet your retirement objectives.

What if I realise that I need to save more?

Here are three ways of adding more to your future savings:


Retirement Option Counselling Video

Click play on the video below to learn more about the options available to you when you retire.

I’m near my retirement date, what should I do?

Gather as much information as possible so that you can make an informed decision.

As your retirement savings will have to last you for the rest of your life, it is important that you don’t take any decision at retirement lightly.  It is recommended that you speak to a registered financial advisor to assist you with this important process.

The decisions you take now will affect the rest of your life. We will discuss several aspects that you need to be aware of at this vital stage:


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The smaller your cash lump sum, the greater your ongoing monthly pension will be.

Quick News

16 Feb 2021
TFG Retirement Fund

Rule changes relating to your member contributions
Contribute more to your retirement
16 May 2017
Pay less tax by making Additional Voluntary Contributions to your retirement Fund.
Update your Nomination of Beneficiary form
21 Nov 2016
Find out how to nominate your beneficiaries.