Disability Benefit

Active Members and Disability Members only 

The Pension Funds Act precludes the TFG Retirement Fund from providing a disability income benefit. The Company provides a disability income protection benefit via a separate insurance policy.

If, after medical tests and, in the opinion of the insurance company, you are no longer able to do your own occupation or any reasonably similar occupation due to ill health, then you are regarded as disabled. 

You will be paid a monthly benefit of 75% of pensionable pay subject to capping and evidence of health limits, as well as other policy conditions as determined by the insurer. More detailed information is available on the TFG HR Benefits portal. 

Importantly, you remain a member of the TFG Retirement Fund whilst you are in receipt of a disability income benefit. You and the Insurer, on behalf of the company, will continue to make contributions towards the Fund. 

This means that if you were to die, your dependants would be entitled to the death benefit. Should you retire, you will be entitled to the retirement benefits

You will have to go for regular medical examinations, for which the insurer will pay. You will receive the monthly benefit until your normal retirement age, as long as the Insurer regards you as being disabled. 

Please note that the detailed provisions are set out in the policy. In the case of a dispute the Rules and the Policies shall prevail.


Quick News

16 Feb 2021
TFG Retirement Fund

Rule changes relating to your member contributions
Contribute more to your retirement
16 May 2017
Pay less tax by making Additional Voluntary Contributions to your retirement Fund.
Update your Nomination of Beneficiary form
21 Nov 2016
Find out how to nominate your beneficiaries.